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Meet Our Girls


Panhandle's Sassy Gal : 13" and 15 lb


MDR1 â€“ Clear/Normal

prcd-PRA - Clear/Normal

HC - Clear/Normal

CEA - Clear/Normal

CMR1 - Clear/Normal


Sire: Sunrise Farms Always in the Dirt - Bug

Dam: Bar M's Ruby Girl @ Rusty Acres

If you like the sweeeeetest temperment and lots of the darkest copper this girl is for you! She is never short of snuggles to give out, wiggles with the best of them, and looooves being a mama and playing and laying around with the other dogs.


Turnin' Heads Steele Magnolia @ Wigglebuttranch - Demitri - Demi

14" and 25lbs

AKC Miniature American Shepherd

Demi is an absolute gem. She goes through life looking for people to love on. We take her out with us most days because she lights up, and subsequently lights up the worlds of the people she encounters. We are honored to be able to add her resilient, vibrant, and loving temperment to our lines and your homes.


Panhandle's Sweet Lil' Love - 14" and 20 lbs

AKC Miniature American Shepherd

MDR1 â€“ Clear/Normal

prcd-PRA - Clear/Normal

HC - Clear/Normal

CEA - Clear/Normal

CMR1 - Clear/Normal


Sire : Bar M's Snickers @ Rusty Acres

Dam : Panhandle's Sassy Gal

Nika is a home grown girl and we feel very blessed to have gotten a dog with solid comfirmation and fabulous temperment in such an early cross in our program. She too has her Mama's rich copper


Panhandle's Olivette - 16" and 27 lb

ASDR Miniature Australian Shepherd

MDR1 â€“ Clear/Normal

prcd-PRA - Clear/Normal

HC - Clear/Normal

CEA - Clear/Normal

CMR1 - Clear/Normal

DM - Clear/Normal


Sire : Panhandle's Red Sunset

Dam : Bar M's Ruby Girl @ Rusty Acres


Olive is one of our most laid back dogs. She'd be content to be a full time couch potato but she's also game for whatever you're up to. If you're doing it, that's what she wants to be doing. She smiles most of the time, trots wherever she goes and listens like she knows what you're saying. :) Olive's temperment and personality have been a blessed addition to our little program.


Panhandle's First Frost

12" and 12 lbs

AKC Miniature American Shepherd



MDR1 â€“ Clear/Normal

prcd-PRA - Clear/Normal

HC - Clear/Normal

CEA - Clear/Normal

CMR1 - Clear/Normal

DM - Clear/Normal


Sire : Sunrise Farms Always in the Dirt - Bug

Dam : Pinestar's Sparkling Saphire 

Frost is a total goof ball! I absolutely love her silly personality. Frost is energetic and athletic in a little package. She keeps up with her mountain biking and downhill skiing humans like a champ. Frost is another dog that we were so blessed to get out of a first time cross. We are excited to share her puppies with our Panhandle Family!


Pinestar's Sparkling Saphire - Zeya

14" and 17 lbs

ASDR Toy Australian Shepherd



MDR1 â€“ Carrier/Non Affected

prcd-PRA - Clear/Normal

HC - Clear/Normal

CEA - Clear/Normal

CMR1 - Clear/Normal

DM - Clear/Normal


Sire : Aspenrains Samson Son of Kona

Dam : Saddie My Lady of Leading Star

Zeya is the CLASS CLOWN! Don't forget to check Instagram for her antics. Frost got her hilarious personality from Zeya, for sure. She does not have heavy bone but is solid and fit. Her babies would make great agility candidates but love spending the days with their humans, and are content to hang out around the house.


Panhandle's Peace in the Breeze - Maggie

12" and 12 lbs

AKC Miniature American Shepherd



MDR1 â€“ Clear/Normal

prcd-PRA - Clear/Normal

HC - Clear/Normal

CEA - Clear/Normal

CMR1 - Clear/Normal

DM - Clear


Sire : Cross L's Midnight Pendleton Whiskey

Dam : Bar M's Ruby Girl @ Rusty Acres

Maggie is SO sweet. She loves to be held. She's not big on play unless it's with one of the dogs, and even then, only a few minutes. She loves to bask in the sun and lay at our feet. Unless wer're just getting home, then she's spinning like a top! :) She loves her humans just like Ruby does.


WyldNFree Hillbilly in Zion @ Painted Blue - Mayzle

17" and 37 lbs

AKC Australian Shepherd


MDR1 â€“ Possible Carrier

prcd-PRA - Clear/Normal

HC - Clear/Normal

CEA - Clear/Normal

CMR1 - Clear/Normal

DM - Clear/Normal 


Sire : Timerline Barry Allen @Wyldnfree

Dam : MMA Winds of Winter

May is our largest dog at 17" and 35 lbs. She has a happy go lucky personality, outgoing, friendly and never without a smile. She is exactly what I was looking for in adding a larger dog to my program. For clients looking for pressure therapy, her babies will be great candidates.

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